Get Started

Just started your free trial? Let's setup your account.
And don't forget, if you need help just contact us. We will gladly assist you.

Your Waxconn account was created and you received the email asking to verify and activate your user account.
  • Follow the link on the email.
  • Add your password and activate the account.
  • Done.
Welcome to your new Waxconn account! Let's setup some things.
  • On the left side you'll see all the Main Menu entries.
  • On the bottom left there is the System menu. Have a look at it.
  • Update your business and contact details.
  • Update the account Currency, Language and Timezone.
  • On the bottom left there is a back arrow you can use to return to the Main Menu.
  • Done.
It's now time to connect Waxconn to your Discogs.
  • Login to Discogs.
  • Go to Settings on the top right menu dropdown.
  • On the left menu go to Developers.
  • Now click on Generate new token and copy the newly generated token.
  • Let's now return to System Menu on your Waxconn panel.
  • On the System Menu go to Sales Channels and select Discogs
  • Add your Discogs username on the Credentials area in Username field.
  • Finally add the newly generated Discogs token in the API Token field.
  • Enable the channel and save the changes.
  • Done.
We are now connected to your Discogs account, time to import products and orders (and customers).
  • On the System Menu navigate to Bulk & Tools.
  • Go to Imports (you are probably there already).
  • Click Create Import button on the right side of the screen.
  • Select Discogs and click Save & Schedule
  • Done. All your Discogs products, orders and customers will start being imported in a while.

  • If you're unable to select Discogs please review Step 3.
  • Depending on your inventory size and amount of orders the import can take several hours to complete.
  • We are able to import and process 50 products from Discogs per minute.
  • While the import is in progress you won't be able to create new products or handle orders.
Connecting to Shopify is a bit more "technical". Don't worry, follow the steps, and it will work. If you need help or feel uncomfortable with this process just let us know.
  • Login to Shopify admin panel.
  • Go to Apps on the main menu column (left side of the screen).
  • On the Apps page click the button Develop apps.
  • If you haven't allowed custom apps before click the button Allow custom app development, and confirm it.
  • Click Create an app.
  • In App name add Waxconn, select your email as App developer and click Create app
  • Now go to Configure Admin API scopes.
  • Add Read and write access to Customers, Inventory, Locations (read access), Orders and Products.
  • Now select 2022-02 from Webhook subscriptions list.
  • Save the changes (on the bottom of the page). The App is now created.
  • Move back to the top of the page and go to API credentials.
  • In Access tokens click Install and again Install to confirm.
  • You now need to reveal and copy your Admin API access token.
  • And finally copy the values from API Key and API secret key fields (on the bottom).
  • Let's return to System Menu on your Waxconn panel.
  • On the System Menu go to Sales Channels and select Shopify
  • Add your Shopify Store URL in the Store URL field (eg.
  • Finally, add your App credentials to the respective fields.
  • Enable the channel and save the changes.
  • Done.
We are now connected to your Shopify account, time to import existing orders (and customers).
It is not possible yet to import products in Shopify Channel.
  • On the System Menu navigate to Bulk & Tools.
  • Go to Imports (you are probably there already).
  • On the right side you'll see the button Create Import. Push it.
  • Select Shopify and push Save & Schedule
  • Done. All your Discogs products, orders and customers will start being imported in a while.

  • If you're unable to select Shopify please review Step 5.
  • Depending on the amount of orders the import can take several hours to complete.
  • We are able to import and process 40 orders from Shopify per minute.
  • While the import is in progress you won't be able to create new products or handle orders.
All is looking good and it's time to publish all products to Shopify.

Important: Waxconn will recreate all your products in Shopify to be able to connect and handle them. If these products already exist in Shopify you must delete them first..
  • On the System Menu navigate to Bulk & Tools.
  • Select Listings from the Menu.
  • Click Create Listings button on the right side of the screen.
  • Select From Discogs and To Shopify and push Save & Schedule
  • Done. All your Discogs products will start to be created and published in Shopify a while.

Some notes:
  • Depending on your inventory size the products publishing can take several hours to complete.
  • We are able to create and publish 40 products in Shopify per minute.
  • On the Main Menu go to Products.
  • On the right side of the Products list click in Add Product.
  • A small dialog will pop up. Choose Search Discogs Database.
  • You can now Search Discogs Database the same way you would do in Discogs itself.
  • Click and selected the release.
  • Set the Media and Sleeve Condition, adds related comments and a price.
  • Select the channels where you want the product should be published to.
  • Click Save
  • Done. The product was created and will be published on the selected channels.
Bulk repricing allows you to change the price of all your products and update it on the selected channels.
  • On the System Menu navigate to Bulk & Tools.
  • Select Reprice Products from the Menu.
  • Click Create Repricing button on the right side of the screen.
  • You can now select the repricing Operator, Value and Type.
  • Select Apply system wide to apply the repricing to all active channels.
  • Or select On selected channels if you want to apply the operation only to some channels.
  • Click Save & Schedule
  • Done. All your products will be repriced and start to be updated in a while.

Some notes:
  • Depending on your inventory size the products updates can take several hours to complete.
The POS channel allows you to create in store orders.
  • On the Main Menu go to Orders.
  • On the right side of the Orders list click in Add Order.
  • Click Add Product to search and add products to the new order.
  • You can optionally also Add Costumer to the new order.
  • Click Save & Pay.
  • Done. The Order is created and the products will automatically be removed from Discogs and Shopify.

Some notes:
  • The POS channel must be activated. (System Menu / Sales Channels / Pos).
  • You need to Publish your inventory in the Pos Channel (please refer to Step 7).

Have a Question? Get in touch!

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Please follow the link below to reach us.